H1N1 Virus Information

The Cattaraugus County Health Department (CCHD) released its new H1N1 clinic schedule today.  These clinics are open to any residents of Cattaraugus County. Click Here for more information.

The concern surrounding the potential H1N1 virus outbreak, how to appropriately respond to it as an organization, and ensuring employee safety are of the utmost importance.  The information provided on this web page is intended to serve as a communication tool forWVDP employees to gain up-to-date Federal, DOE and WVDP information concerning pandemic issues.

Current WVDP Pandemic Action Level
Level 1: Small clusters of human to human transmission. Low virulence (symptons similar to seasonal influenza). Community incidence or site absenteeism about 10 percent.

WVDP currently below level 1.

Current WVDP Actions
WVDP actions include review and update of the WVDP:

· Employee Emergency Contact List
· Essential Functions
· Continuity of Operations and Pandemic Plans
· IT Capabilities
· Human Resource flexibilities, policies and procedures, including those on pay, leave and benefits
· Travel provisions, including potential restrictions on travel to and from affected regions

What WVDP Staff Can Do
· Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
· Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze.
· Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs are spread this way.
· Avoid close contact with sick people.
· If you get sick with influenza-like symptoms, stay home from work and contact your personal physician
and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.

DOE-HQ Information
· DOE Health and Safety (Pandemic
· Influenza Information and Guidance)

Other Federal Links

· CDC H1N1 Flu
· WHO Influenza A Special Highlights
· FLU.Gov

Local Links
· New York State Department Of Health
· Erie County Department Of Health
· Cattaragaus County Department Of Health